
Just being quiet

Sunday, October 16, 2011

To be or not to be...a gourd...

Today, everyone was walking around with their chosen “perfect pumpkin”.  Blemish-free and bright orange...long curly stems.  Some will remain intact, others will be changed into something else.  But, they were chosen for a specific reason...their new owners, proud.

Then I saw them...the gourds.  They are little...much too little to boast an autumnal presence alone.  So they are all together in a crate, forcing passersby to walk around acknowledge them.  They have bumps and lumps.  They do not possess long, luxurious stems.  Their colors are uneven and not altogether vibrant.  They don’t look sad...and make no mistake, they aren’t ugly.  They just aren’t...pumpkins.  So, they get passed by.

I walked away from the orchard today with my purchase in tow.
Five...perfectly lumpy and bumpy gourds...thought I’d let you know.

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