
Just being quiet

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Twisted in the journey from beginning to end
Are not the same as when they started

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It sat, quiet and peaceful
Cherishing the air, the tap of the rain
Almost missing the excitement of its guests, but not quite
Waiting in content meditation

Monday, November 28, 2011


Afraid to make a move...
Petrified to say the wrong words...
Ashamed to shed tears...
Crippled by insecurity...
Immobilized by unknown pastures...
Condemned to being frozen.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A single flame...

Warm your skin, melt your hate
Open your soul, before it's too late
Slow the rhythm of your beating heart
Soften your thoughts, from your sadness do part
A flicker effortlessly becomes an exuberant glow
Permit others to see the "you" have been afraid to show

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Stand tall and remember who you are
Know when to give...know how far
Stand strong and feel the confidence inside
Remember to share...know what to confide
Stand alone and listen when your heart doth speak
Accept joy openly...know the warmth you seek

Friday, November 25, 2011


A shiver went through me and I pulled my coat closer
There were no clouds in the sky, no blanket, no warmth
An exhale betrayed how cold it had become
And still I walked on, refusing to bury my face in my scarf
Rather, my eyes reached up, begging the moon to glow stronger

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Off duty...

How often do I take a moment to say
I need time for me...and it has to be okay
Evaluating what is important...what matters most
That everyday isn't a party where I must act as host
Time to regroup and enjoy life...just clear my head
When I'm not frantically worrying about others instead
Once I take time...shake my worries...and I feel free
Only then can I share with you...the very best of me

Monday, November 21, 2011


Nature in her place
Man levitates above her
Time is friend to both

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Why do some choose to take the easy path
...and then question when they do not grow?
Why do some choose to take the challenging path
...and then question when life has gone by and they didn't even know?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Curtain call...

The sun took her last bow without applause
As a webbed curtain marked her finale

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Smoke and mirrors...

I decided not to edit this photo at all
There was something so mystical about it
The last rays of sun seemed to ripple across the clouds
Every fall sunset is so different

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A rose...

I found this rose in my friend's garden today
It had just started to drizzle
All the other flowering plants were withered or brown
Then I came across this single rose
A little sunshine

Monday, November 14, 2011

Green...a haiku

Transparent beauty
Shallow eyes blinded by hue
Silent existence

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall fire...

Lake Gleneida at Sunset (SOOC)

Four brief moments
The sky was set afire
Three brief moments
The lake and I could only admire
Two brief moments
The vision took my breath away
One brief moment
The perfect end to this beautiful fall day

Saturday, November 12, 2011


It was a beautiful day, that summer back when
I was carefree and nice it was then
I piece together that day, each cloud and blade of by one
It helps me focus on the positive on those days I feel I'm coming undone
Sometimes the vision comes easily, with no effort at all
Other times it's difficult as I struggle to recall
But I know each piece has a special heart tells them where to go
When it is all put together, I'll feel warm again....this piece, I know

Friday, November 11, 2011

Because of you, I see...

He watches for me so I can see
All the freedoms this country offers me
He crawls low and stays under cover
All so I can stand tall, gazing at the clouds floating over
He sees life through night vision, green and glowing
All the while I see life in full splendor, grateful and knowing
He does this, expecting nothing in return from me
All my heart aches for his bravery...All so I can be free

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The door had no sign...unclear if it was open or locked
I had a choice to make...I stepped up and softly knocked
There was no voice...unclear if I should go in
I had a choice to make...take a step forward or remain where I had been
The air made no noise...unclear if my breathing would cause harm
I had a choice to make...battle the pangs of hurt or embrace caring's gentle charm
My thoughts had no reason...unclear if I was on the right path
I had a choice to make...set firmly my steps or succumb to indecision's wrath
It had no physical properties...unclear if I had walked through it before
I had a choice to make...clearly I breathed and turned the handle of the door.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wooden guards...

They stand guard...protecting her silence
Their motion does not disturb her meditation
The unspoken nuance of their courtship
Delivered gently by the wind

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Undecided heart...

Trying hard to not try hard
The attraction too strong to dismiss
The guessing, the breathing, the patiently waiting
The hours melt into days like this
The wind changes and so does his heart
Another actor, another part
Trying hard to not try hard

Monday, November 7, 2011


Layers masking truth
Offering an acceptable appearance to the masses
Undeniable strength fights to be heard
Shield a withered memory
Time has not stolen inner beauty

Sunday, November 6, 2011

In a corner...

A quiet corner in a noisy room
Observing all where secrets loom
Collecting stories of love and hate
Waiting patiently for the storm to abate

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Four walls to contain
Windows breathe freedom to some
A door with no lock

Friday, November 4, 2011


Strong on the outside, inside fine lines to be concerned
A sheen for others to reflect, concealing rough edges to avoid 
From a distance a beautiful work of art, secretly...broken

Thursday, November 3, 2011


As the sun set on another day
A coolness overtook the air
They had survived the harshness of her wicked charm
And reached to receive the last of her stingy warmth

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Light at the end of the tunnel...they said
They said it would be there, just wait and see
It will keep you going, reaching, striving...they said
They said it, but I know the only one who controls me!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Tradition old and calm
Façade cracked with knowledge and time
Witnessed secrets and dreams
Silent respect and gratitude